Scholarships for the International Students in Italy

Scholarships are a crucial aid for those embarking on an educational path. They are a beneficial financial support for students competent and deserving. All international students as well as Italian students are eligible to the student assistance services, such as scholarships, student loans, lodging assistance, and fee waivers. Such services are offered on the basis of the prerequisites of financial means and merit and are administered by the DSU office (Diritto allo studio universitario). 

Contact the office at the university where you wish to study to find about the scholarships and other services that are accessible to you.

Italian Government Study Grants and Bursaries for International Students

The Italian Government awards scholarships to international students, thereby aiding them financially to continue their studies and research. Special study bursaries are available to Italian citizens living in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Eritrea, Canada, Ethiopia, Colombia, Mexico, Tunisia, Peru, Uruguay, South Africa, United States of America, and Venezuela. Italian nationals working for the public administration abroad are not entitled to receive scholarships.

Eligibility Criteria 

Study bursaries are given for study and research purposes at the following institutions: 
  • Universities 
  • Poly-technical institutes 
  • Advanced artistic and music Institutes
  • Institutes for Restoration
  • National Academy of Cinema 
  • Research laboratories, libraries, archives and museums connected with graduate and undergraduate university courses and programs 

Types of Grants

Applicants can receive Study grants for the following courses and programs:

Short Language Courses: For preparation of admission to university and post-university level programs in Italy. 

Individual University Courses: All disciplines are included; at the conclusion of the course the grant holder is required to pass the applicable exam.  

Degree Courses: Applicants must submit alternative study courses, even at more than one university, in order to avoid postponement of the grant in the event of non-admission to the course of study selected. 

Advanced Music and Artistic Training Courses: For courses at art and dance training institutes, conservatories, at institutes of restoration and the National School of Dance and Drama; a high school diploma is needed.

Post-graduate level Courses and Progams: Courses for the Masters Program (level I and II), doctorate in research and specialisations:
  • Doctorate in Research. Each university has its own guidelines and rules for admittance to the doctorate in research. Thus, students check their respective websites and get in touch with their HR department.
  • Masters. The diplomatic authorities will see to it that grant applicants are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters program will require studying in institutions outside of Italy. Admittance to a master’s program includes a selection process and a minimum number of students, so the grant holder should be apprised of the tangible possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the possibility of losing the grant benefit if the master’s course is declared invalid.
Research: An acceptance letter from the Dean of the academic institution is mandatory. At the conclusion of the program the scholarship holder is required to take an exam; such requirement does not subsist for grant holders enrolled at the CNR, at the National Institute of Health and at other similar research institutions.


Knowledge of the Italian language: Italian language knowledge is essential and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the Cultural Office of the local Italian diplomatic Mission or at the Italian studies Department of the applicant’s university.
Educational Credentials: All educational credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming to the foreign language texts by the Italian diplomatic Mission.
  • Undergraduate Degree programs at Italian universities: For the admittance at the degree program in an Italian University, the applicant should hold an upper-secondary school leaving certificate.
  • Masters Programs at Italian universities: For admittance to the master’s program at Italian Universities, the applicants must have a bachelor degree or equivalent qualification.
  • Individual courses: an admission certificate issued by the university for international students is necessary 
  • Art and music institutes: a certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admittance to accredited State academies or conservatories. 
  • Italian language courses: For admittance to such programs, applicants need to hold at least a secondary school diploma.

Applying Procedure

All applicants must fill in the on-line application form at Borse on Line. for bursaries. Applicants are informed via email of the acceptance of their application.

Scholarship Benefits

Scholarships holders get a monthly allowance on a quarterly basis and are exempted from university fees. Such exemption is restricted to undergraduate university degree courses, degree specialisations and Schools of Specialisation excluding medical studies and doctorates in research. Applicants must check the respective Universities website to know more about it.

Responsibilities of the Scholarship Holders

Scholarship holders must comply with the rules and regulations stipulated in the “Memorandum for scholarship-holders”.

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